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Dvora Black design.  Birkat HaBanim: the traditional blessing by fathers to sons, based Jacob's blessing envoking the sons of Joseph - Ephraim and Menashe.(Genesis 48:20). Created from high quality prints and polymere clay, the decorative elements, using transparent stained-glass paint surrounding the printed motifs are hand-painted so that each picture is unique in its color combinations. The wide frame, allows the glass to stand slightly away from the wall so that light filters through the colors giving them the beautiful glow which is characteristic of genuine stained-glass. Each framed work of art is hand signed and named by Dvora Black.    

SIZE: SIZE: 21x23cm / 8.5x9"

Stained-Glass Birkat HaBanim / Blessing for the Sons

SKU: 143E
245.00 ₪Price
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